How To Stop Baby Clicking When Bottle Feeding

how to stop baby clicking when bottle feeding

Are you tired of hearing that frustrating clicking sound whenever you feed your little one with a bottle? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many parents struggle with this issue, but the good news is that there are simple tips and tricks on how to stop baby clicking when bottle feeding time. In this article, we’ll explore some handy techniques to make feeding your precious bundle of joy a peaceful and enjoyable experience for both of you. So, let’s dive in and discover how to end those annoying clicks once and for all!

Proper Positioning

One of the main reasons for baby clicking during bottle feeding is improper positioning. Make sure you hold your baby upright with their head slightly tilted back. It helps prevent excess air from entering the bottle and causing clicking sounds.

Check the Bottle Nipple

The type and size of the bottle nipple can also contribute to clicking sounds. Ensure that you choose a nipple flow that matches your baby’s age and developmental stage. A slow-flow nipple may reduce the chances of your baby gulping air and creating clicking noises.

Regularly Inspect Your Property

One of the key ways to prevent adverse possession is by regularly inspecting your property. By regularly checking on your land or property, you can quickly identify any unauthorized occupation and take action to address it. Inspections are recommended at least once every few months to ensure that no one is encroaching on your land.

Burp Your Baby Regularly

Burping your baby during and after feeding can help release any trapped air in their tummy, reducing the likelihood of them sucking in excessive air while drinking from the bottle. It can help minimize clicking noises and make feeding more comfortable for your little one.

Take Breaks During Feeding

Sometimes, babies click during feeding because they drink too quickly or take in too much milk at once. To prevent this, try taking short breaks during the feeding session. This allows your baby to pause, swallow, and regulate their intake. It may also help them release any excess air causing the clicking sound.

Make Sure the Bottle is Tilted Properly

If you suspect that someone may be attempting adverse possession of your property, it is crucial to act promptly. Consult with a legal professional specializing in property law to understand your options and take appropriate action. Swift action can prevent adverse possession from progressing and potentially save your property.

Seek Legal Advice

When feeding your baby with a bottle, ensure that the bottle is tilted at a slight angle. This helps control the milk flow and reduces the chance of air being trapped in the nipple, which can lead to clicking sounds. Tilt the bottle so the milk fills the nipple, but not too much to cause your baby to gulp air. Experiment with different angles until you find one that works best for your little one.

Use Anti-Colic Bottles

 If your baby continues to click during bottle feeding despite trying the above techniques, consider using anti-colic bottles. These bottles are designed with special features such as vents or valves that help reduce the amount of air your baby swallows while drinking. By minimizing air intake, anti-colic bottles can significantly reduce or eliminate clicking noises.

Seek Professional Help

 If you have tried all of these tips and your baby continues to click during feeding, consulting with a pediatrician or a lactation consultant may be beneficial. They can provide personalized guidance and support to help address any underlying issues causing the clicking sound.

Remember, every baby is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Be patient and persistent in finding the right solution for your little one. With some trial and error, you’ll soon enjoy peaceful, click-free feeding sessions with your baby.

Troubleshooting Tips for Click-Free Bottle Feeding

Now that you have some handy techniques let’s explore a few more troubleshooting tips to help you achieve click-free bottle-feeding bliss. Remember, each baby is unique, so don’t be discouraged if the first tip doesn’t work for your little one. Stay patient and persistent as we dive into these additional strategies!

Experiment with Different Bottle Nipples

If you’re still experiencing clicking sounds despite proper positioning and burping, it might be worth experimenting with different bottle nipples. Every baby has their preference, so try different shapes and materials until you find the right fit for your little munchkin.

Avoid Overfilling the Bottle

 Overfilling the bottle can sometimes lead to excess air being trapped in the nipple, which can cause clicking sounds. Make sure you’re not filling the bottle to its maximum capacity. Leave some room for air to flow and prevent excessive suction.

Hold Your Baby in an Upright Position

Positioning plays a crucial role in preventing clicking sounds during bottle feeding. Hold your baby in an upright position, with their head slightly elevated. This helps keep their airway clear and reduces the chances of them sucking in excess air while drinking.

Try Different Feeding Techniques

Some babies may click during feeding because they have developed certain habits or techniques that contribute to the sound. If this is the case, try experimenting with different feeding techniques. For example, you can try gently pressing on your baby’s chin while they suck on the bottle to encourage a proper latch and prevent clicking. You can also gently pull down their lower lip to ensure their tongue is in the correct position while feeding.

Burp Your Baby During Feeds

Interrupting feeds to burp your baby can help release trapped air and reduce clicking sounds. Take breaks every few minutes during feeding to burp your little one. This will prevent excessive air intake and relieve any discomfort caused by gas.

Check for Tongue or Lip Tie:

 Sometimes, clicking during bottle feeding may result from tongue or lip tie, when the tissue connecting the tongue or lip to the mouth is tighter than normal. This can affect the baby’s ability to latch onto the bottle properly, leading to clicking sounds. Suppose you suspect that your baby may have a tongue or lip tie. In that case, it’s important to consult a pediatrician or a lactation consultant who can evaluate your baby’s mouth structure and provide appropriate treatment options if necessary.


Clicking during bottle feeding can be frustrating for both parents and babies. However, with some patience and persistence, it is possible to stop baby clicking when bottle feeding and enjoy peaceful feeding sessions. By implementing proper positioning techniques, using anti-colic bottles, trying different bottle nipples, and seeking professional help if needed, you can work towards eliminating clicking sounds during bottle feeding. Remember to stay calm and remember that every baby is unique, so finding the right solution may require trial and error. Don’t be discouraged if one technique doesn’t work for your baby, and continue to explore different strategies until you find what works best for your little one. Happy feeding!

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